S.B.S. Stealth Boat. ( prototype ) - 1 photo. + 6 Norwegian stealth boat photo's.

This craft has been seen around and about at Poole since last year, and now in 2009, at Portsmouth.
It has been designed as a replacement for the current vessels used by the "Special Boat Service" of Her Majesties Corps of Royal Marines.

If anyone has other photos of this craft they would like to share through this site, then please contact me from "HERE".

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

There are now in 2015 several types of this style of boat being seen in and out of Plymouth.
The two examples seen below are the Norwegian boats "Steil" and Storm" respectively.

"Click" on Images of "STEIL" above to enlarge.

"Click" on Images of "STORM" above to enlarge.

For some reason the QHM has been advertising the movements in and out of Plymouth of this pair as that of "Submarines"
It looks as if a large amount of air could get under the bow skirt, so I would say they are nearer to "Hovercraft",
but then, who am I to argue ??.

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